——Industrial AI ModelOps Platform
By decoupling models from application, CyberCube™ is an interdisciplinary, cross-industry, cross-phase, and cross-environment industrial AI model building platform, combining DevOps in software engineering and ModelOps concept in data science. It offers lifecycle closed-loop management of modeling from model design, exploration, validation-to-deployment, operation and monitoring. The highly integrated environment largely reduces cost of model development, operation and management.
Democratizing Industrial AI Modeling
Compatible with both Python and Spark
Offer automatic compiling tools for algorithm scripts, enabling higher modeling-to-production
Asset-based zero-code drag-and-drop model construction
Industry-specific modeling templates and hundreds of algorithm operators for prognostics for wind energy, rotary machinery diagnosis, machining, rail transportation, and system energy efficiency management
Model Lifecycle Management
Accumulating industrial AI assets, including algorithm operators, features, models, training results, dependency libraries
Model evaluation and performance metrics to quickly select applicable templates and models, better leveraging accumulated intelligence assets
Improve Model Deployment Efficiency
One-click deployment to achieve rapid deployment and iterative optimization in production
Supports model management, execution, scheduling and monitoring, enabling dynamic configuration of data resources and model parameters
Supports diversified and secure deployment strategies
300+ interdisciplinary algorithms
Industry-specific for 30+ industries modeling templates
Full-stack platform for model building, deployment, and management
Seamless integration with production
Industry-friendly model asset management
Model performance metrics and evaluation framework
Industrial AI asset accumulation
Comprehensive information security system